Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Gym or not to gym...

That is the question! I sit here and ponder that question with days and days of cookies piled high in my belly with pasta and pot roast on top of that. Not to mention the other assorted confections I have dipped into. Needless to say the holidays have not been good to my waistline!
I haven't made it to the gym in about two weeks (or so) due to holiday shopping, a head cold (I am still getting over it), Bug's stomach bug, and work deadlines. Did I mention that it is raining and cold outside and I feel like I only slept for 2 hours last night? You are right, I am making excuses and I probably won't go today but then theres always tomorrow! Then there is next week when all of the fools who haven't been there since last February show up to fulfill their New Year's resolutions. All of the treadmills will be taken and then I will be stuck with a stationary bike, and if you are not used to them, can make certain places pretty soar! Maybe I should just stop going?
What am I crazy? There is this really hot guy (did I mention he has these amazing arms?) there to look at and that in itself is motivation to go. He really is fun to watch, and those arms! On second thought, I really am not feeling that bad and my gym bag is in the trunk. Maybe I will go just long enough to break a sweat!


Carey said...

Join me for the Jump Start Self Challenge...we can revel in our excuses together! LOL!

mb said...

Sounds good! Here is mine for today... I am soar from yesterday, I should just take a day off to recover, right? BTW... Mr. Gym was there yesterday... Yummy!

mb said...

I meant sore... damn those typing fingers of mine!!!

Carey said...

My exercise today was running in circles chasing my toddler...then lifting a few cookies into my mouth...some one has to eat them! Bad rationale, I know!