Monday, January 21, 2008

Flagging in the mall....

I don't know what you called it but I distinctly remember that there was a period of time in sixth grade when it was actually fun to sneak up behind people and jerk their pants down to their ankles and this was called 'flagging'. I am sure you see what direction this is going in...
So the other day Bug and I were at the mall and we went into Gap Body, a bathing suit in the window caught my eye. Anyway, like most toddlers will do she dropped my hand and ran around the display then I heard her giggling. Hmmm? When I walked around the corner she had flagged the mannequin, she just jerked her panties to the ground. "
Oh... Bug!!"
"Mommy, she got boobies!"
"Yes, she does."
And mortified, I bend down and re-dress the dummy. And right next to us is a sales associate talking to a customer, actually, they were laughing at us!


Yaede Family Texas said...

You will soon find that children around the age of two to about the age of four have no concept of embarrassment. My son can't keep his clothes on which can be worse than flagging a dummy. It is always so much fun when I have to chase him around outside when he is naked as a jay bird. The neighboors just love that!! Oh and the boobie thing is worse when its a boy and he comments on how the lady in line in front of you has really big boobies. Then he says she's hot. Talk about embarassing.

Carey said...

Sounds sort of similar...hmmm...a lot like something mommy would do?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha you are funny. Not exactly what mom would do, if you recall my streaking incident I was still wearing my underware. My kids don't know the many crazy things I did when I was in college. I have calmed down a lot. My daughter would be shocked if she only knew. She thinks I am uptight. She is always saying that I am too serious and I must have forgot what it was like to be a kid. She is probably right. I have to be the level headed one because my husband is like a giant kid always goofing around.

mb said...

Yeah but that didn't keep you from getting called out by standards! Ha!! And lets not forget Dadios... Hmmm... So many stories, I can't wait till Layla gets older... or in that case Jellybean too!! Can we say toothbrush??? Actually, come to think of it... Bug is never going to meet any of my old buddies... ever. Or we just make a pact that what ever happen in HPU stays in HPU!!!
I guess we really are turning into our parents!! BOOO!!!

Carey said...

Booo! You can't stop good genes.

And by the way, it was never my idea to give the LC boys "warm as piss beer." Shoot! UR-ine trouble! LOL!

mb said...

It was TC and I don't know what you are talking about!! They were asking for it!! Or at least that is my story!