Friday, February 29, 2008

Pain in the....

Head. I will tell you, I suffer from migraine headaches and it suck the big one!!! I am talking the ones that come with spots and nausea... the big dogs of headaches! They go away then they come back and you never know when they are coming. Some days I wake up and I just know that sometime today it will hit, I just know it! I have been to the doctor about it and I research it. And triggers? Ha, try to figure that one out. One day it is the sun glare, another day it is my sinuses, and yet another it is nothing at all... no answers there!
Well, I got knocked on my butt yesterday with another one and this time it was the second day in a row. I have had it, I am taking matters into my own hands. I am a single mom and I can't let this get me down. I hate prescriptions and my new one I tried the day before did nothing at all. So here was my plan... Excedrin migraine to take the edge off (worked better than the prescription) and then I was off to the gym to sweat it away. Guess what... it worked!! Now it didn't keep it 100% away but I would say I only felt about 1o% of it. I was pretty impressed!
So here is what I am thinking... maybe it was the release of endorphins and increased oxygen from the work out mixed with the aspirin and caffeine from the Excedrin that kept my headache at bay? If that is the case... you think sex would be better than the treadmill? I am just saying, it would be for medicinal purposes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darlin it was the caffeine and aspirin... Oxygen too.. I believe Oxygen is great for cluster headaches.. Soo Cool...